Why Do Bigger Gems Fall Off Faster?

Ever wondered why bigger tooth gems such as shaped gems (stars, hearts, diamonds, etc) sometimes don't last as long as smaller gems? Let's break it down!


Surface Area

The larger the tooth gem, the more surface area it covers on your tooth. While this might seem like a good thing, it actually makes it harder for the adhesive to form a strong, even bond across the entire gem.



Larger gems are naturally heavier. This added weight puts extra pressure on the adhesive bond, especially when you’re talking, chewing, or brushing. Over time, gravity and the constant movement in your mouth can cause the adhesive to weaken and the gem to loosen.


Stress Distribution

When you bite, chew, or brush your teeth, you’re applying pressure to your teeth. Smaller gems distribute this pressure more evenly across their surface area, but larger gems can create stress points. These stress points are more prone to breaking the adhesive bond, making larger gems more likely to fall off.


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